
1.1 The Administration provides the User with services of a gaming, entertainment, or informational nature aimed at organizing and supporting the Game process involving Users.

1.2 If the legislation of the country in which the User is located contains restrictions or prohibitions on the use of the Services, including age restrictions for access to such Services provided in accordance with this User Agreement, the User is solely responsible for non-compliance with the requirements of such legislation.

1.3 The Game was developed with the assistance of third parties providing the necessary scripts, graphics, text, and other materials present in the game. Therefore, the Administration completely disclaims all responsibility for the use, publication, distribution, and storage of materials uploaded and distributed by other persons that violate copyrights. However, the Administration reserves the right to remove materials infringing on copyright upon the request of the copyright holders of said materials or from other persons who have information about the existence of copyright in these materials.

1.4 The Administration manages the Game, as well as the game process of the internet project, exclusively at its discretion. This means that the game is provided on an "as is" basis, and the User is not provided with any guarantees that the Game will meet their requirements. To collect statistical data and identify visitors to the Internet project, the Administration may track and store information about the User's access IP addresses to the Game and use technical information files (cookies).

1.5 The Administration is not responsible for any delays, failures, incorrect or untimely delivery, deletion, or non-preservation of any personal user information.


2.1 To access the Game, the User agrees to go through the registration procedure, during which they agree to provide accurate and truthful information about themselves in accordance with the questions (email, phone number, etc.) presented in the registration form.

2.2 The User is solely responsible for the security of their account. In case of incorrectly entered information or its absence for account recovery, the account is lost. The Administration does not consider requests for restoring access to lost accounts due to User fault.

2.3 The User agrees that they must immediately notify the Administration of any case of unauthorized (unauthorized by the User) access to their Account or any security breach. The User also agrees that they will independently log out of their Account (Logout button) at the end of each session with the Game.

2.4 The Administration is not responsible for any possible loss that may occur due to User violations of the provisions of this part of the User Agreement. The provisions of this User Agreement are binding on all registering Users.

2.5 The Administration has the right to prohibit the use of certain Logins (Names, Nicknames) and withdraw them from circulation without explaining the reason.


3.1 The User understands and agrees that they are solely responsible for all possible consequences that may arise as a result of the User posting information (data, texts, graphics, photos, messages, and other materials) for public access or as a result of their private transmission of such information, including information entered as registration data or in any other way, when using the internet project. The Administration does not control the information transmitted by Users through the Game and, therefore, does not guarantee its quality, accuracy, and completeness.

3.2 The User understands and agrees that the Administration reserves the right to block suspicious Accounts, and only after providing sufficient evidence of the User's innocence and conducting a detailed re-examination, the User's Account may be unblocked.

3.3 The User hereby acknowledges that the Game may involve various actions that, under certain circumstances, may exacerbate conditions such as epilepsy or other nervous disorders in individuals prone to such conditions. The User guarantees that they do not suffer from these disorders or undertake not to use the Game.

3.4 The User hereby acknowledges that regular, prolonged (continuous) use of equipment (phone, computer, etc.) to access the Game may cause various complications in physical condition, including weakened vision, scoliosis, various forms of neuroses, and other negative effects on the body. The User guarantees that they will use the Game exclusively for a reasonable amount of time, with breaks for rest or other measures to prevent physical conditions, if recommended or prescribed to the User.

3.5 The User undertakes not to use the Game for: - storing, placing, and distributing data and information that are illegal, harmful, threatening, defamatory, offensive to morality, infringe on copyright, promote immorality or discrimination based on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social characteristics, contain insults to specific individuals or organizations; - violating the rights of minors or causing them harm in any form; - impersonating another person, a representative of an organization, or a community without sufficient rights to do so, including employees of the Administration; - publishing, placing, or distributing data and information that the User is not authorized to make available by Russian law; - publishing, distributing, or otherwise placing data and information that violate any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights, as well as copyright or related rights of third parties and parties; - placing and sending advertising information (except in cases of placing such information with the written consent of the Administration), personal data of third parties, schemes of "pyramids," multi-level "network" marketing (MLM), internet earning systems, or email businesses, "letters of happiness"; - performing mass, more than 10 (ten) recipients, unauthorized or unexpected recipients of email distribution of an advertising nature - spam, as well as repeated unauthorized sending of letters to one recipient; - sending and transmitting personal messages to anyone containing rude and offensive expressions and proposals, as well as sending such letters to the technical support service of the Game; - collecting and storing personal data of other persons; - intentionally disrupting the normal operation of the Game or the Administration; - placing links to Internet project resources, the content of which contradicts the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.6 The User understands and acknowledges that emails or SMS messages sent from the Administration to Users containing organizational-technical or other information about the Game or Promotions are not considered spam.

3.7 The User agrees that their Account in the Game, as well as their Login(s), may be deleted without prior notice in cases:
3.7.1 Using any offensive, obscene, threatening, or demeaning phrases and expressions towards other Users, as well as information intended to discredit a User or group of Users solely based on gender, age, race, national origin, language, religion, profession, place of residence and work, or in connection with their political beliefs;
3.7.2 Using the Game for the commission of criminal offenses, namely: disclosing information constituting state or other specially protected by law secrets; information on methods, methods of development, manufacture, and use, places of acquisition of narcotic substances and their precursors; promoting any advantages of using certain narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, their analogs, and precursors for extremist activities, for the dissemination of information promoting pornography, cults of violence and cruelty, as well as the dissemination of other information, the dissemination of which is prohibited by Russian law;
3.7.3 Engaging, except as permitted in each Internet project, in commercial activities;
3.7.4 Attempting or performing the following actions by the User: exchanging their Account, individual in-game items, game objects, game resources, or game services of the Game for any legally circulating means of payment (money, securities, etc.) without unequivocal permission from the Administration or, in other words, nothing in the Game can be sold for real money or valuable items without unequivocal permission from the Administration;
3.7.5 Registering more than one Account by a single User, known as "multiboxing";
3.7.6 Using third-party software to enhance/automate game capabilities, such as "bots" or "cheating";
3.7.7 Attempting or engaging in "collusive" play, i.e., with a predetermined outcome, including but not limited to, transferring from one Account to another (or from one game character to another) game bonuses, items, or Services;
3.7.8 Violating or neglecting the rules of conduct in the Game chat and forum (systematic, purposeful violations);
3.7.9 Creating or organizing groups in the Game based on defamatory or hate-filled philosophy, advocating racial hatred or religious intolerance;
3.7.10 Using any Game code errors known to the User, hereinafter referred to as "Error," to gain unforeseen advantages in the Game. If the User becomes aware of the Error, they are not allowed to pass on information about the Error to other Users or third parties and must report it to the technical support service;
3.7.11 Taking any actions that will impede the Administration's support of the Game's operability;
3.7.12 Transmitting to the Administration's Service equipment meaningless or useless information that creates a parasitic load on such equipment, in volumes exceeding the minimum necessary for checking the coherence of resources and the availability of their individual elements;
3.7.13 Using User-generated macros for automatically repeated actions of the game character when the User is not personally controlling the character, hereinafter referred to as "Macro";
3.7.14 Violating the instructions of game masters or other employees of the Administration;
3.7.15 Modifying textual and binary Game files (both client and server parts);
3.7.16 Violating the following rules for creating character names in the Game: - using names of entities and non-playable characters of the Game, as well as names mentioned in the official history of the Game; - using names that are registered trademarks; - using names that contain at least one of the words: test, admin, support; - using names that start with the prefix "GM". The list of prohibited names is incomplete and may be supplemented at the discretion of the Administration without additional agreement with the User;
3.7.17 Detecting attempts and facts of non-payment (including payment falsification) by the User for Additional Services of the Administration (Fraud), as well as detecting attempts and facts of other User fraud using various means and information technologies. This User Agreement is subject to revision and may be changed at the discretion of the Administration. It also regulates additional rules of behavior in the game space. See addendums.

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